Details of contact person

Contact no(s)

Company information

Company banking details

Registered business address

Country of address

Company director(s) details

Full name as in identity document/passport

ID/Passport no

Terms and conditions

Legal and general information

While Nedbank is constantly striving to provide a service that is intended to make your banking as easy and convenient as possible, all South African banks are legally obliged to verify information received from clients – both new and existing.

Therefore, apart from the information that you will provide in your online application, we may require certain additional documentation and information from you. In some cases this may even be required before the bank can complete the processing of your application. Should we need anything more, a Nedbank consultant will contact you to make the necessary arrangements. 

We are an authorised financial services provider. We are a registered credit provider in terms of the National Credit Act (NCR reg No NCRCP16).  

By proceeding further you acknowledge that you have visited the above links and that you have read, understood and agreed to the contents of those links and of this application.